
Robust determinants of companies’ capacity to innovate: a Bayesian model averaging approach

Robustness of innovation determinants is a crucial component for the company’s capacity to innovate and is increasingly central to our understanding of country (national) innovation capacity. The large number of internal and external determinants therefore raises the question of finding/perceiving the robust determinants of companies’ capacity to innovate. By using a Bayesian Model Averaging approach, the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Competitiveness dataset of 135 countries, 10 periods, and a total of 1.239 observations, has been analysed. From 62 explanatory determinants, 27 determinants were found to be significantly and robustly correlated with companies’ capacity to innovate. Our results show that the large number of the previously suggested innovation determinants is not robust. A holistic approach that jointly considers the internal and external determinants of CCI is proposed. A central ingredient of this approach is direct public and private financial support for performing research and development.


Shortcut for Stage Manager for macOS Ventura in BBT

The stage manager is a handy feature in macOS Ventura, but I’m missing a keyboard shortcut to access it immediately.

I used BetterTouchTool to quickly access the Stage manager by pressing F4 (Magnify Key).

Stage manager shortcut in BBT

In this case, the edge of the screen is the position. When I press F4, the mouse pointer automatically moves to the edge of the screen (you can also use the Drag Mouse to Position action), the screen manager appears, and I can select the open application immediately.

For all the academic writing gurus :)

Where is your favorite place to write?

Is there a favorite place?

air and light and time and space

“–you know, I’ve either had a family, a job,

something has always been in the


but now

I’ve sold my house, I’ve found this

place, a large studio, you should see the space and

the light.

for the first time in my life I’m going to have

a place and the time to


no baby, if you’re going to create

you’re going to create whether you work

16 hours a day in a coal mine


you’re going to create in a small room with 3 children

while you’re on


you’re going to create with part of your mind and your body blown


you’re going to create blind



you’re going to create with a cat crawling up your

back while

the whole city trembles in earthquake, bombardment,

flood and fire.

baby, air and light and time and space

have nothing to do with it

and don’t create anything

except maybe a longer life to find

new excuses


© Charles Bukowski, Black Sparrow Press

YAML block for academic paper title page

I write my papers in Scrivener in markdown syntax. The markdown syntax poses me a problem to organise title page elements (title, authors, affiliation, abstract and key words) in structure that when compiled through Pandoc will get a fully expanded Word document (docx) with appropriate title page.

Existing Pandoc metadata blocks (pandoc_title_block and yaml_metadata_block) do not cover this very well for docx output.

Creatively combining different features and ideas I created the following YAML metadata block:

— — —
title:  This is my title
author: John Doe^1^^, ^^2^
  - for
  - meta
  - tags
date: ^1^ My University First, ^2^ My University Second 
abstract: |
  **Abstract:** This is the abstract.

  <span custom-style=“Keywords”>**Keywords**: for, in , the, text.</span>

The good thing with this YAML metadata block is that “keywords for meta tags” will be stored in document preferences. While, “keywords for in the text” will be formatted in document’s keyword style and recognized as keywords within the document. Finally, I used the date variable as affiliation variable (affiliation variable is not supported for docx output) . Date variable was most appropriate replacement for affiliation variable because it is positioned after the author. As is usually required in title pages of academic papers.

I hope you write a lot of title pages 🙂

Directly searching pdf in Zotero storage with Alfred workflow

Sometimes I know the author/s or the title of a paper I want to read, however going to Zotero, searching it and opening it can take some time. To speed up things a little bit I created taskflow to search only pdfs in my Zotero storage. I used the default PDF File Searcher workflow and modified it to search only in my Zotero storage. I added a complex shortcut to this workflow and then through BetterTouchTool I added an action whenever I press double right shift (Shift+Shift) to trigger the shortcut for searching pdfs in my Zotero storage. The complete setting is shown bellow

Automated pdf snippeting process on DEVONthink with BetterTouchTool

I do a lot of pdf reading in DEVONthink and very often I need to snippet sections of the text and create a new plain text file. This requires I to select the text, copy it, open new file in separate tab, add the text, add a link to the pdf and add the citation key so I know from which pdf is the snippet and a date when I snipped it. At the end I need to title the new plain text file. I can do all this manually, but while I am doing it it de-focuses me from my reading. Thus, I used BetterTouchTool to automate the process. I start the complete process with alt+C shorcut. The sequence of actions in BTT is presented bellow :

The result is automated process, that does the whole work. Only in the last step, I write the title of the new plain text file

Citation key pattern for BetterBibTex

My citation key pattern in BetterBibTex is


The result is [Santa.15.l] for the paper 

Santa, M. (2015). Learning organisation review – a “good” theory perspective. The Learning Organization, 22(5). https://doi.org/10.1108/TLO-12-2014-0067

Removing new line \n from plain text

Sometimes when you copy text from a two columns pdf and you paste it as a plain text in Scrivener/DEVONthink or other writing tool the text is pasted with too much new lines, because the pasted text keeps the new lines from the pdf. The result is

with the
to an

It takes too much time to fix this manually, thus I modified the PopClip’s “Remove spaces” extension to Remove New Lines extension. When I select the text and run the extension the result is

Apparently they felt that there is a conceptual inquiry, one properly called “a logic of discovery”, which is not to be confounded with the psychology and sociology appropriate to understanding how some investigator stumbled on to an improbable idea in unusual circumstances.

Popclip extension for replacing “- ” (i.e. hyphenspace) within text

Some times when I clip text from pdf document and paste it as plain text in Scrivener or DEVONthink I have a problem in pasted text. I get text like this

“what actually happens, and the underlying mecha- nisms that produce the events in the world.”

“- ” (i.e. HyphenSpace) splits the word mechanisms in mecha- nisms. Previously I will go through the pasted text and manually remove “- “. However, I noticed that PopClip has Remove spaces extension. So I used that extension and modified instead to remove empty spaces to remove HyphenSpace.

Please take in account that you can select large part of text and the changes will be made everywhere, however be careful it will also remove hyphens used as bullets.